Posted on August 05, 2021


Glory girl, did you forget your name

Did you believe in these grey droning halls

The sun still rises, the bay still ebbs

Nothing we lost is lost

Glory boy, did you forget your name

Did you believe in their sycophant calls

The moon still rises, the bay still flows

Nothing we lost is lost

Miya Perry

Glory was written with and for my friend Miya Perry, a lovely singer and cellist. I thought it would be fun to try and write a tune with the staying power of a pop anthem but with vastly reduced musical forces: just two instruments, two lines. Miya is a fan of traditional Cree songs, and so I attempted to draw from that melodically, and in the spirit of that tradition, also make the line easily singable for numerous voice types. From another angle, I hoped to evoke the grandeur of heavy metal anthems along with a sort of off-kilter glee, that of facing the devil with a smile. The heavy use of the C-string is meant to evoke the classic metal tuning of Drop C on a guitar, where the lowest E string is tuned down a third. The song was always meant to be inspirational, a call to fight for hope–and win!–despite forgetting one’s own power, despite the powers outside us that would bring us low. Over time, the song has become an anthem for myself and the people I love. The battle cry for us to all to make it. To fulfill our purpose. We are all born to glory, and to glory we strive to return.